What if Arlo Technologies decided to create a fully autonomous robot? What would that possibly look like?

Introducing CRAWLO, the fully autonomous home security robot designed utilizing the Arlo Technoloigies brand name. Arlo Technologies is a home automation company, which specializes in making wireless surveillance cameras. The purpose behind CRAWLO is to work with their existing camera technology to secure one’s home as much as possible.

CRAWLO was designed to be intimidating for trespassers yet user-friendly for the owner all while capturing the Arlo brand’s established aesthetic language.


Let’s take a look at CRAWLO’s key features.


Wireless Charging

CRAWLO comes with a charging station which allows CRAWLO to navigate and dock itself onto the station when it is low on charge

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Camera With LED Lighting

Record evidence of trespassing activity during any time and automatically upload it to a secure database provided by Arlo


Speaker Outputs

Audibly alert trespassers that there is security present and that the authorities will be contacted if they do not remove themselves from the premises


Agile Foot Pieces

Pointed foot pieces for maximum agility when operating on different types of terrain in order to quickly position itself in front of the intruder


Ball and Socket Joints

Joint pieces for maximum rotation in order to change directions quickly and smoothly as well as the ability to climb over small ledges

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Direct Wiring To Leg Pieces

Instant feedback from CRAWLO’s internal base to the leg pieces for the quickest possible reaction timing when dealing with a threat

Here are the proposed hardware component housing specifications.

Let’s take a look at a scenario of CRAWLO in action.


The Arlo Camera Sees an Intruder and Alerts CRAWLO

An intruder has breached the premises of someone’s home. The Arlo camera system detects the intruder and immediately alerts CRAWLO to check out the breach.


CRAWLO Alerts the Intruder to Remove Themselves From the Property

After recognizing the person is a trespasser, CRAWLO audibly alerts the intruder that the authorities will be called if they do not exit the property. The intruder runs away out of fear.


CRAWLO Uploads the Incident to the Local Authorities

CRAWLO automatically generates an incident report of the situation and uploads it to the local authorities database for them to take further action if needed be.

Keep your home safe at all times with CRAWLO.

Thank you for viewing my project! Learn more about it here.

*All use of the Arlo brand name is strictly meant for student portfolio work with no affiliation with Arlo Technologies


